The build quality and sound can't be beat for the money.
Which integrated amp?
I have owned and listen to the Modwright kwi200 almost daily for the last 3 years. Here is my thumbnail review. Positives
csmgolf - Sorry, I usually don't participate in the forums. Here is some additional info on the SA integrated, specifically the 600i. Dual mono, 125W into 8ohms, doubles into a 4 ohm load. If you take a look at images you'll see that it's basically 2 mono amps in a single housing! Has a balanced input, 4 SE inputs and pre-outs that can be configured as variable or fixed. Also has the M-eVOL2 volume control with 530 steps of loudness. I'm currently running a pair of Dyaudio Focus 380's, and doesn't run out of power even at house rocking levels. I'm not a sales guy, but since I've upgraded to the SA I've been very pleased! I've compared this to the Hegel 360 and in the system the SA bested the Hegel. I've not heard the others in your list, but have seen a lot of good reviews on the Modwright integrated. The below is a link to a review of both the 600 and 700i amps. Enjoy the journey! |