New Vandersteens or something else?

I'm starting to think about new speakers. I've been running Vandersteen 2Ce Sig II since 2008. I love these but also know they are the weak link in my system (mostly Ayre electronics). At RMAF a few years ago, Richard Vandersteen told me he had upgraded the midrange in the 2s and that I would be pretty happy to just buy the latest iteration. Have any of you compared the original Sig II to the new version with the woven midrange (I think these came out ca. 2012)?

What about the latest 2Ce Sig II compared to the latest 3A Sig? What do you get other than more bass and an even larger monolith?

I would consider other brands but strongly prefer to stay US-made or, at least, from countries with protections for workers and the environment. If cost were no object, I would get one of the Vivid Giyas or Vandersteen 7. With a $15K budget, I would get Vivid B1s. The Vandersteen Treo (IMO, the best looking speaker Vandersteen has ever made) is almost within my budget but I'm hoping to get a worthwhile upgrade for $5K or less. Others on my short list are the Paradigm 85F (Canada) or, maybe, the Revel F206 or F208 (Indonesia). Some KEF models are interesting with the coincident tweeter/midrange but these are made in China and the Stereophile reviewer was underwhelmed with HF performance.


vandy 7 mk2 at the summer place
have a pair of Treo CT on order for the winter place
they are fantastic and you can add Vandersteen subs later to get very close to what Quattros can do
For around $10K, you can get into the Legacy Audio Focus SE, made in Illinois.  I wouldn't spend that much dollars without hearing them.
@OP. Are you near any dealers/major cities? Even if not, I would try to make a weekend trip to listen to as many of the speaker manufacturers you are interested in, as possible. Just give the dealers a 'heads up' that you are coming so that they can accommodate you.
Audition some B&W 804 D3s (or, with your budget, some 803 D3s).
I'm breaking in some new 804s and I'm very impressed. They totally disappear and are the best for strings and vocals I've ever owned. The diamond tweeter is amazing and I'm hearing textures and timbers, on well known recordings, not heard before. I like 'em.