platinum audio solo's

I have read that the solo's are very hard to drive, that being said, can a 100 watt tube amp do the job? Secondly, I am usually not a fan of metal dome tweeter's but all I have read is how smooth the sound is out of these speakers, can anyone comment, I don't have anywhere I can listen to them but they seem to be a steal for the money. I am interested in these because I have a small room and I don't want thin sounding monitor's. Thanks.
I use Platinum Solos in my home studio with a Mac G4 and Digidesign 001. For reference, I have 5 systems at home with speaker systems ranging in value from $1,100-$12,000.

The Solos sound really good in my set-up. They are smooth and unfatigueing with a full midbass and reasonably transparent mids.I have an extra sub in the closet that I've considered adding, but they sound extended enough on their own in a smaller room.

Voices are wonderful. They throw a deep and layered stage. I don't find the highs bright at all--just about right (but I'm pushing 50).

I've driven them with as little as 30 watts (Aloia) to as many as 225 watts. They do like power but will do well with less if you don't push them too hard (they actually sound quite good with my Adcom 5400--125 watts--that some find on the bright side).

There are other good choices. I reently heard the Von Schweikert VR1 that were really nice and threw a big stage...but I'd still go for the Solos for their liveliness and dynamics.

Haven't heard them with tubes, though.
I also use to own the Solo's and they are great speakers,very smooth in all the bands,excellent presentation,bright?..first time I hears the Solo's considered bright.Fantastic bloom and extended highs,bass is acceptable for a small speaker but dont expect deeeeppp bass.These montiors are very reveiling so basically source matching is very important.Its a classic monitor.
These guys are all over the map.

1. The Solos need a TON of quality power AND current. MOSFET designs seem to work particularly well. I had best success with an old Acoustat TNT-200 and a Sunfire 300. I tried an ARC D-115MKII (110 tube watts per channel) and it was grossly inadequate. I also tried a Classe DR-9 (100wpc with MASSIVE current) which sounded splendid, but only at moderate volumes. Finally, I tried a McIntosh MC-7150 (150wpc with autoformers) which was a total JOKE!

2. There is nothing bright about their presentation. They are revealing, but not overly so. None of the amps that I tried sounded bright or thin. Not sure what Ed was using to drive his, but as long as it's decent quality, you shouldn't have a problem.

3. Bass response is tremendous. Period. Not "just for their size" - or - "considering that all of that sound is coming from a 4" woofer." They go into the low 30's with ease. Unfortunately, however, the port is rear-facing and they need to be AT LEAST 2-3' from the back wall. In a small room, I just wouldn't recommend them. You'll be very frustrated.

I would concur with Ed_Sawyer regarding the Aerial Model 5s inasmuch as they are a FABULOUS speaker - especially for a small room. I disagree that they TROUNCE the Solos. They're both excellent, but for a small room, the Aerials win hands-down. They, too, however, require lots of current and QUALITY amplification. The Classe DR-9 that I mentioned previously was a HEAVENLY match with the Aerial Model 5s in my 11'X13' room.

Hope this helps. Feel free to contact me privately if you need more info.
Gullahisland hit it on the head. These beauties require as much current and voltage as you can afford to give 'em - quality is important as always. I had them on extended loan about 7 yrs ago and used a 165wt Mesa tube amp. In triode mode (35wts) the speakers sounded weak, with 165 tube wts they came alive and really do have tremendous bass for their size. In a small room I don't think you'd need a subwoofer - just keep 'em 3 ft from back and side walls.

The Solos were musical and seductive, no brightness or hardness whatsoever. They also were, at that time, the best looking speakers on the market - I think one of the first to address looks and be successful. I have seen a pair of used high gloss finished ones and I almost bought them just to look at. I now have a 10wt SET so there is no chance in hell I could get a squeak out of them.

By the way, don't waste your time trying to remove the grills, they are attached really tightly and you could spoil the cabinets very easily.
The grilles are easy to remove - at least mine were. No damage incurred.

If you guys don't find these bright, try comparing them to something else at the same time. They are without doubt the brightest 2-way small monitor I have ever heard. Metal 4" cones probably didn't help this any either. Compared to a good tweeter such as that in old L-series ADS, the Aerial tweeter, or even the Paradigm reference tweeter, these are *shrill*.

Low 30hz? Doubtful. Even from Plat. they were only rated mid-40s at best, IIRC. Like all small monitors, they need a subwoofer for anything below 40hz or more.

On balance, they just are not a good choice, IMHO, for the reasons stated initially. Maybe for $200-300 or so, if you can afford to throw them away if a driver goes bad. Anything higher than that, price-wise: look elsewhere for something better.

Hey, buy them if you want. But I'd be willing to bet we will see them back on the market before long. There's a reason these are always on Agon...
