Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions

I recently purchased a demo pair of Vandersteen Treo (non CT), and am wondering what people recommend for bi-wired speaker cables? The Treos will be paired with a Hegel H-160 solid state integrated amp.

The dealer I am purchasing from has recommended Cardas Parsec speaker cables. Does anyone have experience with these? Would be very interested to hear what has worked for others. I'm excited to spend some time over the holidays with these awesome speakers!

(If helpful, my system includes a Rega Planar 3 w/ Dynavector 10x5 and LFD Phonostage LE with LFD interconnects.)


I'm running AQ GO-4 in my system with Vandersteen 2ce Sig II's and the Belles Aria integrated amp. I don't have anything else to compare it to but they sound great. Expensive though!!!
I was initially going to buy the CastleRock's, but Johnny said the GO-4 would be just as good.
I really hate spending more on cables than I possibly can.
The GO-4's are relatively inexpensive, especially compared to those damned Transparent cables I had(and they didn't sound good with the Vandie's).
 I had two pairs of AQ Earth Series speaker cables when I got my Treo CTs.  As John R. predicted, they were indeed too "heavy" sounding.  The mid-bass emphasis was obscuring the beautiful treble the Treos are capable of.  After much research on A'Gon and other sites, I ended up with two pairs of  Paul Laudati's Clear Day Audio Double Shotgun all silver cables.  As several others previously mentioned they do sound great with the Vandersteens and do NOT have any unnatural treble brightness to them.  The frequency spectrum is balanced with an open soundspace and natural dynamic presentation.  

Paul has been recovering from back surgery but from the most recent posting from him is either up and running or about to be on making cables again.  Give him a call.  If nothing else, you'll have the pleasure of talking to a knowledgeable guy who is "salt of the earth"
For those of you using Clear Day Audio Double Shotgun cables, how do you recommend bi-wiring these? (my amp only has one pair of speaker terminals)

Do you use jumpers, or just stack the spades? Sorry if this is super obvious, but again, new to bi-wiring here, so appreciate the advice.
