Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?

My equipment - Raven Integrated Reflection MK2 tube amp 58wpc. / Lumin A-1 DAC Streamer / Synology NAS / Isotex Aquarius Power Conditioner / Furutech Rhodium Plug / Sonus Faber Amati Homage Tradition speakers.  

I have read thousands of comments on upgraded fuses improving the performance of sound.  I am very open minded but not sold either way.  So, the question I have is....if fuses were so important, than why don't Amplifier companies all install them as OEM equipment?  To me, if they are as good as people say, that would provide companies who use them a competitive advantage?  

Every High End Audio store I go to in Phoenix have told me it does not make a difference and is a waste of money.  For the record, I have fuses purchased at an automotive store for under $10 and I think my sound is awesome.  The Company that built my amp tested the Synergistic Fuses and he emphatically said there was no difference.  

If I were to try a fuse for fun, given my equipment, what would your recommendation be to try?  
Frankly, and I certainly have no animosity towards anyone, nor intend any disrespect, but I disregard with prejudice what ANY pseudo skeptic, naysayer or Crusader Rabbit presents as evidence or proof for any controversial tweak, including fuses, fuse directionality, wire directionality, etc. Who cares? Anybody can dream up some bizarre case they think will turn the tide. It’s actually not (rpt not) up for debate. Case closed. Like the mind of Crusader Rabbit. 🐇

The whole idea that rotating the fuse improves the sound, and is therefore the real reason audiophiles hear improvements when flipping fuses, is preposterous on its face, anyway. Because the odds are 50-50 that the sound would be *degraded* by rotating the fuse. Besides, if someone can’t hear the difference in fuses or in fuse direction, I certainly don’t believe they can hear fuse rotation. It doesn’t make sense. Judge Judy says if it doesn’t make sense it’s not true. Furthermore, we already know that fuses measure according with the direction they are oriented in. Case closed. If you can’t hear that’s your problem. Better get it checked out. 
  • It is not about facts.

Yep. That’s it in a nutshell. Cheers! Too much time spent talking about fuses. People will think and do what they will and are not likely to change, especially the older folks like me.
Mapman wrote,

”People will think and do what they will and are not likely to change, especially the older folks like me.”

Can I quote you on that? 😀 Next to, “Only quote facts,” yours is my favorite.
On a speaker thread, someone recently spent $1300. on a pair of speaker isolation products, claiming it took his system to an extremely higher level of musical satisfaction. I can believe it. It is still amazing to me, that people like kosst ( a troll imo ), requires scientific facts to back anything up. A long time ago, Julian Hirsch, compared, by electrical measurements, an inexpensive japanese receiver to a relatively expensive amplifier, at that time, showing how close the two products were. I do not recall if he " listened " to these two products, but I do believe he made the comment, that if they measure the same, they must sound the same. Some people need to wake up, give things a try ( a little fuse test ), and trust their ears. If they are NOT WILLING TO TRY AND LISTEN, how can they make a comment at all ?
My main criticisms of Magic Fuse performance are the claims of what the fuse can accomplish. Measurable directionality only means that possibly current flows a TINY BIT better in one of the directions and that phenomena is rendered meaningless in an alternating current. I get that better contact between the fuse and holder is a good thing, but it's when the current gets to the rest of the electronic bits, rectified, modified, deep fried and otherwise,  the benefits of whatever inexplicable and imagined bees wax/voltage bombardment/psuedo quantum whammy/graphene coating/ or any other sales based baloney is hard to swallow, although swallow it Fusers do…all day…I tested the bejeezus out of a pile of SR fuses (embarrassingly, but had to in order to ethically allow myself to continue questioning this crap) and "proved" if only to myself that I can't swallow this particular stream of fuse goo. Others enjoy it, feel it makes cellos sound better, but until somebody explains what's what with the design goals of Special fuses I'm not swallowing any of it.