Blindjim > OK. so be it.
Life is what it is. The restrictions advantages, or disadvantages it bestows upon us all, are what they are. Everybody is doing the best they can whith what they have to do it with everyday. No exceptions. I am. You are. Etc.
I’ve heard a fair number of systems apart from my own. I was a musician for many years prior to military service..
I do not see this trap you speaek of.
I feel your input here as well intentioned as it is, might be fueled with some bias as digital in your opinion is NOT the first priority for quality audio reproduction. That’s fine. Quality can be had in either hand. Analog or digital…. If one pays attention.
Digital source is what is to me to do. So I will do that.
My former system had a lot of ‘they are here’ in its presentation. The next one will have more. Guaranteed. It will certainly have more duckets thrown at it, so it better!! )
The idea of enjoying music is not a narrow pathway. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If when listening to music, my knee is bobing, a smile is on my face and or I don’t want to turn it off, something good is happening. Further along, if I feel I could walk up and touch the artist, singer, or musician, I’m quite satisfied I’m hearing exceptional sounds.
Will what ever I amass be on par with the top tier in ultra audioland? Nope. I’m not even considering such an aspiration. I’m content with landing this time somewhere a step or three beyond the ‘threshold of diminishing returns’. That’s all and that is not a bad place to be IMHO.
Chasing perfection in an imperfect world is sheer folly. I can live happily with outstanding, and excellent.
Neither will I be able, nor would I want to spend exponentially above such a level as I do not see adequate justification for the expenditure to have another house in my house, er, uh, living room or listening room.
BMW 7 series? Now, there’s a thought. And it could fit too. Maybe without the radio though.
thanks so much all the options though. very much. be well.