Rega RP8 or Technics SL1200G

I'm a bit reluctant to post this "either or question" because I know that everything in this hobby is subjective, but here goes.

I currently have a Rega RP3-24 with an Exact 2 and I want to upgrade to my final turntable. I have read all the reviews that are available on both tables and both received stellar reviews, although Fremer stated that his RP8 sample table ran a little fast. I like the simplicity of the RP8 ($3000), however, I also like the adjustability of the SL1200G ($4000) which eases the task of trying different cartridges, although I don't plan on swapping out cartridges very often. On the other hand, I am not adverse to using spacers to adjust VTA on the Rega so I can try  non Rega cartridges. 

So it really comes down to which table sounds better, which is built better, etc. I would like to hear from anyone who owns or has heard either of these tables. I won't have the opportunity to audition either one.

I listen to rock, jazz and some classical.

The rest of my system is:
Cayin A-88T MKII Integrated with Gold Lion KT88's or Svetlana Winged C EL34  
PS Audio GCPH w/Underwood Mod (planning to upgrade to Parasound JC3+)
Harbeth SHL5 Plus 40th Anniversary
Rega Apollo-R
Accuphase T101
Cables: Morrow PH4 to phone preamp 

Thanks in advance.

I own a Rega P-9 and recently purchased a SL1200G. I was quite surprised the SL1200G sounds better accross the board compared to the P-9. I am comparing in the same room with the same equipment. The P-9 has a Dynavector 17D-3 and the SL has a Hana SL. I should swap cartridges to give a better review but....sorry. I have always liked my P-9 and a P-7 I also own but the G is by far my new favorite 
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@dvdkitch, Interesting, the Hana SL is on my short list of cartridges if I get the Technics.
I recently brought home (October) an RP8 with an apheta 2 cartridge. It’s my first high end turntable, so I will not call myself an expert. I will tell you that Rega matches the power supply to the motor. When I measure the speed at 33 rpm with turntablist, I get 33.4 Ideal. When I measure the speed at 45 I get 45.3. I have only had a couple of people over to listen but the comments on speed are it sounds right or perhaps it’s a bit slow.
I think it sounds amazing and find I am more a victim of recording quality than system flaw. A friend brought over People in Sorrow by The Art Ensemble of Chicago and it sounded so good, like they were in the room with us. My feeling is you probably can’t go wrong with either TT.