Help with upgrading Pre Amp

Hello fellow A-gons i have been in search for a new Pre Amp. I have been rebuilding my system for seven years after a total lose to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. I currently own custom:
Custom Cd Player by Richard Gray
Infinity Pre Amp
Coda CSX Amp High End
Aragon Palladiums Low End
Infinity Epsilon 
Morrow MA-7 Balanced
2-RGPC 400's
RGPC pole Pig
RGPC power cords Platinum over copper
RGPC Skeaker Wires Bi-wired
Still working on upgrade Amps at another time would like to try a new Pre Amp looking At Pass X-20, Rouge, Bryston, CJ etc
any suggestions without breaking the Bank?

Best Regards 
I purchased a Rogue RP-5 a little over a year ago and am totally happy with it.  It has plenty of flexibility, remote control and tubes.  It is dead quiet and has gotten great reviews.  At 3500 retail, it is a great buy and it is built well and quite elegant.
those are all good pre-amps

a used Audio Research might be a possibility too - it will be more neutral that a CJ (phat sound) but still have that tubey liquidity with some warmth

...sounds like you are in NoLa? consider a move to the Esplanade ridge or next to the Chef, or build a house on stilts - things are getting worse...
Thanks great response considers AR LS 27 Great reviews.
I was using a Harmon Kardon Citation A 1963 decided to sell because of it age small things seam to alway go wrong with it and Richard is very busy thees days. The Infinity is built like a tank and a fine pre amp but after seven years its time to up grade.

I will research the Rogue RP-5 and Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme today and get back with you. Thanks or the great advice!!!

..... things for the most part are back the normal in NO
Decided to move to Metairie La just a minute away.... New Orleans is getting a bit expensive not the same town i grew up in
Regards Larry
Post removed 
I second the RP-5. Very versatile. Tape/eq loop, phone than can be switched to a regular input, mono switch. Every function can be controlled with remote control. I plan on upgrading tubes next year, but stock JJ's sound fine. A Rogue rep told me that the RP-1 is 85% of the RP-5 and a bit cheaper.