What is your favorite budget audio component?

Just wondering for the sake of curiosity and general sharing and education among audiophiles, “What is your favorite budget audio component?” And as a bonus, “Why do you consider it budget and why is it good?” 
Since budget might be relative, I would say audio gear like MBL, Wilson MAXX speakers or anything ultra high end should not be considered.

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Double dip:
I forgot to mention Stax SRX mk 3/SRD-7 $185.
New 'component': I recently bought and applied a CD that guides one to optimum speaker placement by listening to a series of sounds and effects. The result was like getting new speakers! Really! and I thought I had my speakers positioned perfectly before. So wrong. (Isotek Ultimate System Set-up Disc. No affiliation)

Also mt Denon DL-301 mk II. I had a hard time finding a real upgrade and in the end had to spend more than double the $329 the 301 cost me.
If you're buying used, buy a Meridian 565.  Absolutely love the sound that comes out of it.  Also, bought a used Oppo BDP93 and a used Yamaha RX V1. Absolutely wonderful sound.
I am continually impressed with my Yaqin MS-30L.  It's a Class A push-pull amplifier rated for 25 wpc in triode and 50 wpc in ultra linear.  You can get them new for under $1,000 which I think is an absolute bargain for such a surprising product.
Grado sr80e phones less than $100. Chord Mojo DAC.   Both outstanding alone or together.