Esoteric K-03X vs Accuphase DP-720

I’m looking for a new CD player to replace my 5.5 years old Esoteric X-03SE. I’m happy with my Esoteric but want to try something new, I only listen to contemporary Jazz music, about 80% musical instrument performance and 20% vocal (mainly female vocal). Esoteric K-01X seem to be over my budget, and now my target is Esoteric K-03X and Accuphase DP-720. May I know what is your choice between these two CDP?

PS: My thought is K-03X are using wonderful drive system, in the near future I can buy an external DAC to work with my Esoteric if I want to get another new sound. Yes, maybe Accuphase’ s transportation system is also good but not as good and famous as Esoteric’s VRDS-NEO drive mechanism.
11-09-15: Bill_k
These two players have very different sound qualities. The Esoteric is more on the analytical side with exceptional detail. It's not lacking a natural sound, but isn't overly warm or rich sounding. The Accuphase excels at capturing excellent tonality of the music, with a fuller and more textured sound quality compared to the Esoteric. Both have excellent build quality.
That's a very good description Bill. I asked a friend who has a very good ear about Esoteric & he just said it sounds like "very good digital". The OP didn't ask for any other options, and both players mentioned are SACD players, so this might be a moot point anyway. But FWIW I would also consider the new Vitus SCD-025Mk2 which is RBCD only. I own this player & can say it is easily the best player or dac I've ever owned. Vitus sounds even more pure, analogue-like & musical than Accuphase imho, especially when paired with Vitus amps. Though I understand distribution is sparse in the states. This guy traded in an Esoteric K-01 for an SCD-025Mk2 - [url=[/url]
An older thread but I’m wondering what the OP decided and what he thinks of his new CDP (if he upgraded)?
Am CDP shopping and two of the four units I’m looking at are the E-03X and DP-720 (along with the E-05X & McIntosh MDC550). Big cost delta with the list price for the Accuphase being ~250% more than the Esoteric ($27K v. $12K with the E-05X & MCD550 both at $8K).
The K-05x is a great player, to my ears it sounded better than accuphase DP-550 (more micro details and better dynamics) when I had them both in my system. The latest Esoteric X models (if properly burned) don't have this analytical sound from previous esoteric series. The accuphase DP-720 is great sounding CDP (as all accuphapse gear) but  way overpriced here in US.