If you like Schubert...

I picked this up in 2011, but haven't listened to it in a long time.  Just fabulous.  Cleveland chamber players, recorded by Dean Roumanis on the Mark Levinson audio setup.  Great music, great performance, great sound. 
What else is there?   Some Belvedere maybe?

Thanks for the recommendation, don't have a copy of any of his trios but for sure a Schubert fan of his quartets and leiders.
Does anyone know if this is something I can find on Tidal? Would love to check it out but searching for classical is bewildering to a novice like me. Thanks!
Sublime sums up the Schubert trios quite well.  My favorite performance is by Rubinstein/Szeryng/Fournier on an early 70's RCA box set - ARL2-0731.  In spite of the thin "Dyna-Flap" vinyl, the sound is superb as are the performances.

Sublime is the word alright .
 To repeat myself ,if at all possible, see what they do to the film "Barry Lyndon".