Need recommendation for amplifier

One of my NuForce monoblock amplifiers seems to be irreparable.  I need to get a new amplifier.
 I’m looking in the one to two thousand dollar range, new or used.
Any recommendations for a decent amplifier in that price category?
I have modified Dalquist DQ 20 speakers and a modified Conrad-Johnson PV11 preamp.  Listening room is about 23’x23’. 
The system sounded great with the solid state 160W per channel NuForce monoblocks and also worked well with the inexpensive 80W per channel NuForce Optima Goldman amp (but didn’t sound quite as good.)
I’m open to either solid state or tube.
If you can still find one: a Yamaha P3500s, tested here:
It will save you money, and its 2x350 watt will give a very clean and dynamic sound. I bought the 2x250 watt P2500s for my son, and both he and I could not be happier. Build quality is impeccable, and designed to cope with much abuse. The fan will not come on in domestic use.
Hi rvpiano,

    Which Nuforce class D mono-block model do you own that went bad?
    Did Nuforce inform you that your mono-block cannot be repaired?
     It seems odd to me Nuforce would be unable to repair one of their own class D mono amps.  They're really not that complicated since they basically consist of an input section, class D power module  and a switch mode power supply (smps).  It's possible but unlikely that more than 1 of these internal components went bad at the same time but it's more likely one of them is the culprit.  Since all off these internal components are modular and none are very expensive, I don't understand why Nuforce could not repair your amp to like-new condition at a reasonable cost.
     However, you may just want to try out different amplification in your system.  If this is the case, it would be useful to know whether you'd prefer to stay with class D or prefer  another amp topology and whether you prefer a single stereo amp or a pair of mono-blocks.  
     Please clarify.

consider a Conrad Johnson power amp to mate w/ the PV 11.
Happy Listening!