Need recommendation for amplifier

One of my NuForce monoblock amplifiers seems to be irreparable.  I need to get a new amplifier.
 I’m looking in the one to two thousand dollar range, new or used.
Any recommendations for a decent amplifier in that price category?

It’s a sad story.
The original NuForce Company is out of business.  I’ve been dealing with a former technician from the company and have poured a lot of cash into him for repairs already ( it’s a long story.) I just got both amps back from him last week.
He has warranted them for a year.  So  I’m sending the bad one back, but I have little hope of it not going bad again as he tells me there’s a design problem with the older amps.
So, I’m getting a new one.

    That is a sad story.  If you want a very good pair of class D monos in your price range I'd suggest D-Sonic M-600 monos that I own and love on my Magnepans or the Red Dragon M-500 or M-1000 monos that get great reviews.

Based on your recommendation, I just ordered the Red Dragon M-500 monos.
i understand they have a 45 day try-out policy.
They do get great reviews.

If you want class D, I'd look at whatever you can afford in the Bel Canto range.

For something more conventional, yet excellent for the price, check out the different stereo and mono offerings from Odyssey.  Again you can tailor to price, or you might find a good one used on Audio Circle.  And the owner of O (see all the threads) is very responsive.