GutWire Ultimate Grounding Cable

With the recent reviews, and positive reports from a couple of members here, I decided to take the plunge and order one.

Like others I have been intrigued by the positive reviews for grounding blocks from various companies, but the prices are prohibitive. I decided to spend the extra $100 for the Ultimate over the Perfect as both reviews say it offers significant improvement. I am planning on plugging it into an unused RCA input on my Antique Sound Labs autoformer passive pre. I'll post updates after I get it, and have broken it in.

It's on its way, supposed to be here tomorrow. Really looking forward to getting this into my system and hearing what it does.
Got it today. Initial results after plugging it into my pre are very encouraging. More transparency, resolution and sense of space. Musical details and textures are more apparent. Pretty much in line with the reviews. I'm looking forward to it being fully broken in.

Curious on how this compare to Audio Magic Ground Disrupter which operates under similar principles.



That’s a very encouraging news! I am glad to hear your positive experience so far...

On another thread here, I acted on a lead and order a pair of iFi iPurifiers earlier today. They seem to be well thought out in their design philosophy at a very attractive price of $99.


The Purifiers sound interesting, especially at the price. I look forward to your report on them.