ateal, ''I was only passing on this information from an agent of Vdh
it is not my assertion or opinion''.
''Also I am pretty certain that if Vdh can build 'he Colibri' THEY can
perform a rebuild of an ML 180 stylus.''
The first and the second statement are contradictory. Your believe
in what Van den Hul or ''they'' can do is not relevant for the ''details''
involved by this repair. Chackster and I have had similar dispute
about Technics 205 series ''suspension problem''. Both the AT and
205 use ''tension wire'' in their styli which is usual my MC kinds but
rare by MM kinds. My conviction based on my information and
experience (disassemling the whole construction) is that ''tension
wire'' in the MM carts can't be changed or fixed. By AT carts this
tension wire is connected with the back side of the cantilever while
by 205 kinds the part with tension wire need to be removed in order
to change the ''ruber ring'' (aka suspension) because this ring is
fastened behind the round magnet on which front side the cantilever
and tension wire on its back side are fastened.
By MC kinds the tension wire need to be (first) removed because
the suspension is behind the coils and does not belong to ''moving
parts''. After the installation of the new suspension the same
wire need to be fastened, centered and tighten a new. One
can usual see those 2 or 3 screws for this purpose on the generator