Dac upgrade?

I try to get good sound at a “reasonable” price.  System consists of Magnepan 1.7 speakers, Prima Luna HP amp, an Audio Reasearch SP-3 preamp (purchased almost 40 years ago)  an HRT (High Resolution Technology) dac.  When streaming (I use Spotify Premium.  Never tried Tidal.  Don’t use headphones.  The HRT dac is about 4-5 years old, one of the earlier DACs on the market, I believe.  Was thinking of a not very expensive dac upgrade, such as the Schiit Bifrost.  Two questions for the community.  How likely is it that I will experience a significant improvement in sound with (for example) the Bifrost?  I realize that I can get a 15 day trial which would be my own gold standard.  Of interest, Schiit said they had no idea.  Second question— with a budget of up to $1000, any other suggestions?  I would require a trial for any possible purchase.  One final factor, I am almost 72 and I certainly do not have world class hearing, but I am pretty confident that I can still recognize good sound when I hear it, like the Supreme Court justice who famously said he could not define pornography,but knew it when he saw it.  Thanks!
Some feel Tidal superior to Spotify due to it streaming in a higher resolution and offering MQA. FWIW, I stream both and find Tidal marginally better sound wise. YMMV.
Regarding DAC's, the Schiit Bifrost Multibit is good, but a Gungnir or Yggy is better. Another comparable DAC is the Ayre Codex.
The Codex and Yggy will be comparable soundwise, but you can find a used Codex for around $1400 used, sometimes less (psst, check out US AudioMart), the Yggy goes for a little more.
The idea of a new DAC aside you may also want to consider, your preamp being almost 40 years old, taking it to a tech to get looked over and possibly recapped. You may find this a bigger upgrade in sound quality than a new DAC,.
What’s wrong with you guys (the original posters) to ask questions about digital gear in analog section of the forum? Is that a new virus??
^^^^^Exactly....digital and analog don't mix well...analog usually collects on top....
Monday—I like your idea.  I am in the process of arranging an upgrade with AR.  After that is completed I will likely give the Gungnir a trial.  There seems to be a wide range of opinions re the value of the multibit upgrade.  Welcome any thoughts you or others might have, though ultimately it would boil down to a trial.  I would spend the money for the multibit if it produced a clear and significant improvement.  Anything less than that would not be worth it, for me at least.  Any further thoughts?