Help! Tweaking My Lovan Rack for new Big A**ed Transrotor Turntable!

Folks, some input would be mighty appreciated.

I’ve been using a hand-me-down (though very nice!) Micro Seiki dd-40 turntable for a number of years and finally got the upgrade itch (it helps the upgrade itch when your cartridge is going on 30 years old, and sounding like it!).

I went down the rabbit hole and picked up a Transrotor Fat Bob S turntable, with an Acoustic Solid 12" arm and a Benz Micro Ebony cartridge. All with only about 30 hours of use at a great price. Yay!

Though I have considered getting rid of my old Lovan Classic rack for a new custom jobby, I’m pretty much spent out and I think I’ll have to make do for now, working with the Lovan.

The Fat Bob turntable is 55 lbs of solid aluminum and built like Thor’s hammer.

I figure this will finally get me to fill my Lovan stands for a bit more rigidity - probably with rice. The stand is the old 3 legged triangular shaped bass, which means the thin MDF shelves can feel like they sit sort of precariously on top. But the stand itself feels quite solid.

I want to incorporate a wood platform base, as many do, because I really love the look of a nice wood slab.

At first I thought maybe I’d have 3 spikes drilled in to the bottom corners of the wood base to directly couple it to the rest of the Lovan frame, vs resting it on the top mdf shelf. But I’m not sure that’s really necessary. And I’d like to incorporate some isolation as well, I think. So I’m thinking of just laying it on the top shelf, with something in between.

My first thought is to place a Symposium Segue shelf between the top of the Lovan shelf and the wood base.

Other than that...I’m flummoxed as to all the other choices...roller blocks? Symposium Fat Padz? Vibrapods? Herbie’s Tendersoft footers? Voo-Doo Isopods?  What should I put between the wood platform base and my Lovan shelf?

Any comments of suggestions on the direction I’m going?


(BTW, I’m an resolutely NOT a DIY/Handy-man type, so I’m not trying to go to heroic efforts, wishing this to be as painless as possible).
When members say " I would" or "think about it" in the context of them never actually trying their proposed method, should be of taken in the context of the effort on their part in which it is their own systems.

Not saying this info is invalid, just that "action" speaks louder than words even in audio terms. In the end, your action is all that matters.
Well knocking on a material, does give one a very good reference as to how it will react in audio applications when that person is an observant "knocker".

Another situation where the requisite "action" = personal experience is required to evaluate in one's own system.

All points taken, fellers!

I really am listening to everyone, though at this point I have so many voices in my ear it's easy to become derailed.  I have no idea how to figure out the resonant frequency of my turntable, stand or base.

So at this point what I'm doing is just having some fun experimenting and ultimately I'm going to go with the method that gives me some peace of mind.  It's not of course that I think I've solved any vibration issues scientifically.  I think it's more about the mind-set my experiments create.  Just being able to distinctly feel the differences various material make in vibration gives me a more tactile basis on which way to go.  Among the many different suggestions I've received, and all the many other threads i've read, no doubt there is more accurate info, but it's hard to discern which it is.  So, again, I have to ultimately go on what makes me happy.  I doubt anything I'll be doing will actually make an audible difference (I admit I'm pretty skeptical about the tweakier side of high end audio), but I enjoy the idea of making a design based on my own ideas playing around with various materials/devices.

Well knocking on a material, does give one a very good reference as to how it will react in audio applications when that person is an observant "knocker".

Holiday Hint: Don’t knock on the stand whilst music is playing. If your stand is on springs or air bladders the top plate is isolated anyway, so in the case of real seismic isolation the actual material of the top plate becames almost, uh, immaterial. It could be rabbits if you could catch em. 🐇 🐇 🐇 As I’ve observed previously stiffness of the top plate is a high priority. Furthermore, ANY residual resonance of the top plate can be controlled by damping.

The Townsend springs clearly isolate whatever is above them from vibrations coming from below. So from exterior vibration. My main concern has been what is the effect adding those springs in terms of the system vibration itself (turntable spinning, motor, cartridge reading vinyl vibration....).

The video demos of the Townsend vibrapods under speakers show a deadening of ringing when the speakers are tapped, when sitting on the pods. However, in some of my tests using the ipad app, it seems I get a bit more ringing showing up on the tap test with the ipad or turntable sitting on the springs. Which seems understandable if you are tapping something sitting on wiggly springs. That doesn’t seem like a good thing.

But I seem to remember this ringing reduces with the amount of weight I put on the springs - e.g. if I add the butchers block along with the turntable on the springs. Perhaps the pods need to be loaded with a certain amount of weight before they also help reduce ringing from the item they are holding up. Does this make sense to you?