I find this interesting because my findings contradict a lot of other opinions on this thread.
I bought the Ety ER4S - used with various amps, HATED them, and returned them. Next to my MG Head + HD600s at the time, they sounded like a broken toy. Tried to like them every day for 2 weeks straight. No bass, thin mids, highs that hurt my ears. Rock music, jazz, and classical
I bought the Shure e5C - LOVE them for in ear phones. MUCH more - bass, dynamics, midrange texture, highs that don't hurt your ears than the ety ER4S.
So my two headphones currently are the Senn 650 + MG head amp for home use, and the Shure e5C + M Audio Audiophile USB with hard drive transport for work. I certainly prefer the 650s in general - More comfortable, more open sound, more of a "soundstage", but the 5cs sound great too.
For all people who are not a big fan of the sennheiser 580/600/650 on this thread... what amp are you using? In my experience, an amp is an ABSOLUTE necessity with these headphones, otherwise the sound will be dull, lacking life and dynamics and realism. The MG Head is a great match, for not too much dough, quality control at ASL is an issue.