Hypex N core module

Did you have experience with amplifier based on Hypex - NCore Technologies  
jaybe stated:

" Yes. I sold them because they just can’t compete with high quality class A/AB amps when used for their full frequency range. Maybe using them to power your subs would be OK."

This is a misinformed and ignorant statement that was typical of comments made about class D amps from about 5 or more years ago. It is completely irrelevant to the current capabilities of the many good class D amps now available at very affordable prices.
Just like every other product people buy, there are variations in quality and performance of class D amps that run the gamut from poor to exceptional. Obviously, the class D amp that jaybe chose to buy and later sell was from the lower end of this quality/performance continuum.
For the past several years, there are numerous good quality class D amps available that outperform most good quality class A/B amps in every category most of us care about: lower distortion, better bass performance, more accurate/detailed from bass through treble, lower noise floor, greater dynamic range and more neutral overall sound characteristic that is closer to the traditional audio ideal of ’a straight wire with gain’.
I base my comments above on my personal experiences as a lifelong good quality class A/B amp user who first discovered the superiority of good class D over good class A/B about 3 years ago. I have since replaced the 3 stereo class A/B amps with 2 stereo and a pair of mono-block class D amps in my combo ht and 2-ch music system.
I still have one 1,000 watt class A/B amp in my system that powers my 4 subs but I’ll be replacing that with a class D amp soon.
To answer your original question, All of the Hypex-NCore based class D amps are very good. But there are other very good class D amps now available that are based on other class D power modules such as the latest Ice UcD, Abletec/Anaview and Pascal power modules.
If you’re looking to try a class D amp, I can recommend specific brands of amps if you give me a budget range, your room size and speakers. I’m not a retailer, just a big class D fan
I agree with noble100 above. My Mola Mola Kaluga class D power amplifiers Sound much better than my Luxman 590ax Class A integrated amplifier. The music was more open, detailed with much improved bass. I was surprised and could not believe it.

Of course, everyone has a different opinion, and system, and I encourage you to audition one of the high quality class D amplifiers mentioned above.
@noble100 How inappropriate. In fact I’m not ignorant, I speak from fact and after ownership of several higher-level N-Core Class D amps within the past year. None came close to giving the musical pleasure and satisfaction of my current Class A/AB amps. You can grandstand and type away until your fingers are red but it won’t change my opinion.

@hgeifman I might agree with you about Luxman. I’ve yet to hear a unit of that brand that wasn’t deficient in some manner, although their product range is huge and I haven’t heard them all. Most common is a “grainy” character that even a Class D amp could beat in this aspect.

But let’s face it system matching has to be considered. And, there’s just no accounting for taste. In the end all opinions are just that.


You get no argument from me.  Everyone has a different opinion of what sounds good in their system and home environment.   Some people like Class A, class A/B or Class D.   The important thing is that everyone needs to find what they like so they can sit back and enjoy the music.    
 I  dont hear any difference between Hypex- N-core NC-500 and \
High End Class A/B- in middle and Highs , but in bass N-Core
overperform  is more tight and accurate , But some guys like more