Speaker distance

What are your current speakers and what is the distance between them?
Dynaudio Special 25, 8 feet center to center, room is 6 meter X 10 meters and 1.5 meter from the back wall with slight toe. Speakers need to breath.

I have room treatment and have spent hours with speaker placement.

Depending on the weather (literally) my soon to be new set up will allow the speakers to be anywhere from 6' apart (when the wall heater is not used) to 8 1/2' apart during the winter. I sit about 7'10" from the front plane of the speaker and will soon be able to increase it about 6"-8".

This is the one aspect I've always been unable to address due to room set up but with my next speaker and base, it will be much easier to move around and experiment.

All the best,
Golden Ear Trition Reference (pair) set apart 7 feet (essentially form an equilateral triangle to the PLP).
I recently placed my Mosaic Acoustics Illuminations back in service and they are 5 feet apart center to center.
@geoffkait I agree. I think we tend to set our speakers so far apart as to replicate a stage experience. And yet our rooms aren't a stage.