Are projector screens transparent to sound?

I am planning a ht room and was wondering if i can put absorber panels behind the screen and would this be effective? Which brands are best for audio?
Perf screens are not better than solid screens. They emmulate what is used in real movie theaters on a smaller scale. At the viewing distance in a real movie theater the human eye cannot see the holes in the screen. It is essentially a giant speaker grille so the L/C/R speakers can be placed behind the screen. Picture brightness is reduced because of the holes. The sound system is equalized to compenstate for frequency responce loss. Stewart makes a very nice home perf screen with frequency response compensator. However, it is much more expensive than a standard screen. In addition, if you are using a DLP or LCD projector, moire effects will appear.

For best acoustic results, place the center speaker tweeter as close to the bottom edge of the screen as you can. Set L/R speaker tweeters near the bottom corners of the screen just outside. I usually shoot for the lower bottom third. Don't go any higher then half way up max. This will give you a near linear pan acroos the front. Use accoustic absorbtion behind the speakers. You want the rear of the theater to be a little more lively for surround effects.

If you are building a room from scratch, you can build a fake wall out of 2x4's. Creat a opening in the center to mount a framed screen in. Wrap the fake wall sections in black grill cloth. Set the wall at least 2' out from the real wall. More would be better if you have room. Acoutically treat the whole area. Now you can mount speakers on stands and install subs where you want behinde the fake wall. You can move and adjust everything just like a real theater. The speakers will preform better because technically they are out in the room. you can creat access around the wall by hiding side openings behind velvet side curtains. You can use any speakers. Cosmetics mean nothing. If space is tight you can access by removing the screen and climbing in.
I've seen many screens, but after viewing a Stewart, nothing comes close, that's why its the industry standard. Of course its not cheap, but you get what you pay for.
Agree with CMK. Get a Stewart 1.3 gain with the wide Delux frame and Velux coating. The extra wide frame looks much more finished than square tube frames. Overspray hits the frame and is absorbed by the special Velux material. After your eyes adjust to the dark you can see the overspray. Velux helps this problem. It will be the last screen you buy unless you change size.