Speaker distance

What are your current speakers and what is the distance between them?
@geoffkait I agree. I think we tend to set our speakers so far apart as to replicate a stage experience. And yet our rooms aren't a stage. 
King Sound - KS17  Thirteen feet apart . These are panel speakers that do not place the soundstage outside of the speakers . Everything is in between them only . Ample room between instruments this way . Pull them closer and there is no illusion of full scale .
Vandersteen Quatro CTs

Speaker position (acoustic centers)
  • 8' 7" apart
  • 1' 8.5" from side wall
  • 2' 7.5" from front wall
Listening position
  • 6' from side walls
  • 1' 10" from rear wall (acoustically damped)
Ear Height
  • 2' 11" from floor
Room Size
  • 12' wide
  • 13' deep
  • 10' high
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+1 Geoff

I have ATC EL150ASL at about 7 feet apart tweeter to tweeter and I sit about 12 feet back. No toe in. I don’t like an exaggerated stereo effect and I like to keep speakers well away from side walls. There are also no walls within 6 feet of the listening position. Walls close to the listener just make the sound terrible.