Manley chinook & low output mc’s

Does anyone have experience with a Manley Chinook driving a low output mc cartridge. I’m Thinking of buying a Hana SL with a output of .5 mV. Thanks 
Pipetowers.... I have two arms - one with the Delos rated at .6mV and an Ortofon 2M Bronze MM rated 5mV. I switch back and forth. I notice no difference in “noise” from the Chinook with the low output of the Delos. 
ekimg, thank you, I think that answers my question as far as the chinook driving a lomc. How much gain does your line stage have? Thanks 
I don’t know?  The Chinook is connected to a Line Magnetic 518 integrated amp; 22 wpc, 845 SET amp.  How do I determine it’s gain?  Don’t see that in any specs?
John Atkinson's measurements of the overall gain (line stage + power stage) of the LM-518IA, as reported in Stereophile, are as follows:
The maximum voltage gain, measured into 8 ohms, varied with the output tap, but was appropriate for an integrated amplifier: 40.2dB (16 ohm tap), 38.6dB (8 ohm tap), and 36.5dB (4 ohm tap).
Those are fairly typical numbers for the combination of a line stage preamplifier and a power amplifier, as well as for an integrated amp.

-- Al