Help needed for a skeptic!

I admit I am a cable skeptic and think spending $6k on a set of interconnects is loonie!
I have a set of YG Anat 3’s driven by Chord amps. I am using a Krell Foundation pre-amp. It is driven by a Chord DSX-1000. I have good hardware. I have been reluctant to spend too much on wire do to mu  meeter going off every time I look. I am using balanced interconnects. Mostly Straightwire. My question is what would those who post suggest for speaker wire. I do Bi-Amp my YG’s Right now I am using some Nordost flat cable knock offs. My sound is great but I think a little compressed for my equipment. If one were to try an upgrade on speaker wire under $1000 to bi-amp what are your suggestions?
I will say there are some impressive fakes on eBay. Check this seller out. Close inspection of his AQ WEL power cord is needed before you see that the font for “SIGNATURE SERIES” is wrong, and the WEL signature is too even. Unless you had an original on hand to compare (as I do) you’d be hard pushed to tell the difference from the pics. I assume others familiar with the other brands he’s selling can spot similar issues

What about Van Damme Hi-Fi UP LC-OFC 6mm, or 4mm, terminated by you with pure copper BFA plugs Furez TSTSB50NP.

I would be very surprised if that does not make the best possible connection.
go to the lending library at   THECABLECOMPANY.COM

there is only one way to determine how a cable will sound in your system, play it in your system ! sc4a notes, 'the proof is in the ...' cable instead of pudding....

Pudding and electronics of any sort and/or flavor is just a mess...;)

Happy New Year....and hopefully not the entire one spent on the search....*G*
if your sound is a little compressed, try addressing the grounds and buy an isolation transformer

after that, go to one of the rental cable places as per above