Bi Wire vs Speaker Jumpers

I have B&W 802 speakers and would appreciate thoughts on bi wiring them vs using jumpers.  I will be using Krell electronics with them.  Thanks in advance for your input.
I’ve used both. Save money on bi-wiring but don’t skimp on cheap jumpers. They should be of equal quality as your speaker cables.

Try Nordost diagonal configuration.  Worked well on  my system as too.

Bi wire method is voodoo ( bi amplifying is another story of course) ,I bought a year ago hi end jumpers(same brand & series as my speaker cables) and the improvement was so huge it left me speechless , from my experience the jumpers should be the same as your speaker cables for best results .
I am using Kimber Bifocal X with WBT CU locking bananas on both ends. Wilson Benesch Loudspeakers include a set of their proprietary jumpers but I elected to bi-wire from the beginning.  Simply heaven and I don't believe that I wasted my $$.  I don't think that there are any hard-fast rules on this subject.  Like everything else it is system dependent based on your perceptions. You may try loaners prior to purchase to experiment both ways. Break-in was greatly facilitated in my system by my preamplifiers ability to include a white noise generator so the whole system spent about 200 hours getting righteous.
Take your time and get it right!