Recordings with incredible effects or imaging that we may not know about

I thought this could be fun and actually helpful for some of us wanting something different in our collection. 
One recording that I show off my system with is 
Supertramp - Even in the Quietest Moments.... at the beginning of this track,  there is a bird chirping,  on my system, it is about 3 feet beyond the left speaker and about 10 to 12 feet up,  this bird flies forward, then turns and comes right above your head.  Above your head, it is about 8 to 10 feet up,  it then turns and flies away going right above the right speaker and disappears into the distance.  
So,  what else is there out there that we should all know about that you just know we would all like to have in our collection.  
Please let us know,  Tim 

Ha!  Great post!  Most have already noted my favorites.  And all along I thought I was crazy......Happy New Year one and all!
+ for Andreas Vollenweider White Winds 
Also try his
Behind the Gardens- Behind the Wall- Under the Tree
 The first few seconds of Simple on Collective Soul's CD Collective Soul come in above my right ear. 

+1 on 10cc
+ for Amused  To Death, especially the Blue-Ray version. Even better than the already good RB version.