Really satisfied???

I was wondering how many audiophiles are really satisfied with their systems to a point where they feel like there is no need to upgrade anymore. I say to myself sometimes there is no way anything else i can buy or replace can make my system sound any better. But then the next day i am looking and reading about what cd player or separates may sound better than my Krell KPS 20i.  My system consists of Krell FPB 600 , Mark Levinson 38s, Krell KPS 20i , Krell B&W Bass Alignment filters BAFs Balanced (2) , B&W Matrix 800s , Straightwire Crescendo speaker cable and interconnects. Am i really satisfied?? Hmmmmmm 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
I just finished a round of upgrades, with the goal of getting where I wanted to be.  Like islandmandan, getting to hear equipment has been difficult.  But, I have good resolution- no smearing,  like the timing, tone, drive--everything is in balance and even--sounds very musical, relaxed, and natural.  Instruments sound like the instruments. Is not 'the last word' but isn't that many syllables away. Enjoy the music.
Hey Tottootedtrackman, Nice to see that people are still using and enjoying the Krell 20i. I was a proud owner of one. The only reason I sold it was because I was afraid that Krell wouldn't be able to repair them down the road. It sounded fantastic and I'm sure it still does! Have you not had to replace the laser? I also had B&W 801's. I used transparent reference cable throughout the system. Amps were Threshold T2 and T400. Also Snell Type B's for speakers. BEST sound I ever heard to this day. Joe