Radio personalities

I was thinking of some the radio personalities I remembered:
 (Mostly NYC)
Duncan Pirnie
Robert j. Lurtsema
Steve Post

I think it is a shame that they have all gone and live only in my memory.
Anyone else feel the same?

Yes, Jean Shepard was also a great host.
Is Phil Schaap still around. I used to listen to WBGO, but FM got so awful...
DeKay, I believe you are referring to KAAY-AM in Little Rock. The show
was Beaker Street with Clyde Clifford. It just didn't get any better than
that. If you care to relive that, has a tribute hour Friday nights.
Starts at 9PM CST with John Hein. I never miss it. Thumbs up to all the
DJ's of WLS in Chicago. Those were some good times. Steve

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