Least expensive discrete resistor ladder NOS DAC?

Are there any available for $2000, or less? I don't care about high-res, Just 16/44 Redbook from a CD Transport.
I'd also definitely look into the new Metrum Onyx, it may be a bit above budget but Metrums are very high quality, and the new dacs use all new r2r fpga modules.
I currently have an old Audio Note DAC Kit 1.1 that is NOS, and uses the AD1865 chip, with a tube output stage. I'm very happy with the sound I’m getting from it. Audio Note is working on their own discrete resistor DAC, which, hopefully, will be out later this year. Unfortunately, it is likely to be out of my price range.

I was wondering if there is anything else out there that is both NOS, and uses discrete resistors, which follows a design philosophy similar to Audio Note's? The BorderPatrol is intriguing, but it uses an old Phillips chip, and I'm not sure it would be much better than what I already have.
Wharfy, BorderPatrol was the other company that was sold online by Linear Tube Audio. Could't remember when typing my 1st post.
Mesch-Did not know that.

Tommylion-When you say "old Phililips chip," do you mean the chip is old, or the design? But in any event, I totally understand not wanting to spend $$ on a lateral move. I've had a couple of those experiences.