Vintage automatic turntable recommendations?

Hey guys-
I have a Rega RP1 and it is fine and all, but I would listen to more vinyl if I had an automatic turntable. I know that is sacrilegious in the hi-fi community, but who cares. Does anyone have any favorite vintage automatic turntables? I was checking out the Sansui XR-Q7 and it sounds like a good option...
Thanks in advance!

think what noromance just posted would if one gets another table, you have to then get another cartridge and get that set up properly...and not everybody knows how to do this part.
@kidhominid Among the automatic turntables these two models are amazing:

Technics SL-15

Technics SL-15

Built-in MM/MC reamps, Linear tracking tonearm and if you’re lucky p205 mk4 cartridge!
I would refer you to the thread “Best Tonearm Lifter”

There are plenty of recommendations you can look at on You Tube.

 I chose the Tru-lift. I have highly recommended it after using it on my LP12 and soon to be adding it to my Kuzma “pipe bomb”

It is a little Spendy but is well bullt and works perfectly. No effect on SQ that I can hear. Has increased my enjoyment of my vinyl.

 I just get lost in the Music and if distracted by something. The Tru-lift does its job.
I remember my old turntable in the 70's was an automatic, it was a Pioneer PL516 if I remember correctly. But there are a lot of automatic Pioneer's around. It had an automatic return. I do remember one that was fully automatic but can't remember the make or model.