Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thank You- oblgny
you have had quite an Audio journey my friend. We all are lucky to enjoy such a fun hobby. Is there any new gear or upgrades headed your way in 2018?

Happy Listening!
Good to see you- prof

I concur- Conrad Johnson is very fine in both tubed and solid state applications. I can also attest to the Bryston 4B st/ sst power amp.
It mates very well w/ an ARC tubed pre-amp, the best combo involved
Ref5SE model.

Happy Listening!
Happy Friday fellow Thiel owners & fans!

Ok, considering my earlier posts up above (and great feedback from jafant, oblgny & prof), I am now focusing on either Conrad-Johnson or Audio Research for pre- & amplification.  I will be going the pre-owned route, as I just can't get my head around the full-price of new gear these days...but, that's a different discussion.

How would you compare the sonic characteristics between the two, i.e. which is warmer, more revealing, has better high, better lows, etc.?

Also, is going all-tube (in pre-amp & amp) going to rob me of too much speed, attack and bottom-end "slam" that I've grown accustomed to from solid-state gear?  

In full disclosure, I posted this same query in the "Amps Preamps" forum as well.

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions...Enjoy the music!

The classic description of CJ vs AR tube amps is the CJs being “warm and golden toned” almost a romantic presentation with the AR being more nuetral with a whitish/grey cast to the sound.   That’s exactly what my ears have heard every time I’ve compared 

My experience comparing the two agrees.  My friend has also had AR tube amps and I’ve brought over my CJ amps to his place and I much preferred the CJ amps.   I find the AR sound to have its own signature, a sort of bleached character that to me renders vocal and instrumental tones more in black and white vs the warmer tone of the CJs.   My friend felt the CJs were more gorgeous sounding - wants them in his system when he hears them - but sticks to AR for what he feels is a combination of tube virtues and neutrality.  I find the CJ sound to actually remind me of real life vs the AR sound, but that’s of course my subjective assessment. 

As for bass, the CJs I own have the most overall coherent sound I’ve heard in a tube amp - look at the Stereophile review as Michael Fremer nails their sound.

That said, the 12s have seemed sometimes to shelve off the lowest bass frequencies.  Some other amps I’ve tried seemed for whatever reason to go a bit deeper in the bass and I don’t know what would account for this, if I’m fact I’m hearing that accurately.   But the sound with the Thiels is still plenty deep, and the bass is in virtually perfect pitch control to my ears.