good integrated amps that don't include a phono section or a DAC

I don't need either because I have an outboard DAC and I'm not into vinyl.  any suggestions? price would be no more than a grand. thanks!
wow! I have a lot of homework to do.  thanks to all of you for your ideas and recommendations!
In my second post above I inserted 'new' instead of 'used'. New the Vincent originally retailed for $1500, The Pathos at about $2400. Sorry for the confusion. 

What speakers do you intend to drive with purchased integrated? What is size of listening room?
Primaluna. Classic versions, Prologue, Dialogue, roll tubes to fine tune sound. Plus  tubes sound great with digital (and of course any other sources). New or used. Simplicity, what is needed - nothing more. 
Cambridge Audio Azur 851a

120WPC, no DAC, no Phono.  Neutral, and slightly warm sound.

Under $1k used most of the time.