Best high-efficiency speaker under 10K

I have never played in the high-eff speaker / low-powered amp space, but I've read so many things that I would like to give it a try. I own an EAR 859 integrated amplifier, De Paravicini's interpretation of SET. It's pretty incredible, especially if you consider its price tag. I am now in the business of choosing the right speaker. I listen to a lot of jazz and vocals and opera. So, I can do without the sub-40HZ frequency range. I would like to stay between $3K to $7K, certainly below $10K. Here are the options i am considering:

1) Zu Audio Essence.
2) Beauhorn Virtuoso (single driver)
3) KCS louspeakers (the model that uses the SEAS exotic driver)
4) Devore Gibbons 8
5) Living voice Avatar

If I had to choose right now, I'd go with the Beauhorn, but I know their limitations.

Any thoughts/personal experiences with the above or any other speakers in this range? Thanks.
Charney Audio Companion with Voxativ drivers or for less $ the Maestro with the Omega RS7 driver.

Exceptional design, build, and oh the sound!

Charney will change your mind on what a single driver speaker can do! 
I have owned a pair of Decware HDT single driver floor standers for four years.  I had always wanted single drivers but when I first started looking the prices were too high.
A friend had a pair of Decware amps producing about 2 watts per channel and I saw some speakers on the web site.
I own a pair of Wright Stereo Co. 3.5 Mono amps powered by 2A3 tubes and are 3.5 watts per channel.
Steve Deckert of Decware designed his High Definition Tower, transmission line speakers about 10 years ago and the design is brilliant.  I had a pair built and they are now available through Decware for $2695.00 a pair.  The speakers are 96db efficient, use Decware modified Fostex 206 drivers under the FR-8 model number.  The speakers are definitely worth looking at and all of the info is on the Decware site.
rodge@What is  price Charney? Is really nice speakers, I listen in NY
audio show 2016
My new Spatial Audio X2s are just getting broken-in.  Lovely.  The easiest-listening speakers I have ever experienced.
I'll give you few options. All of these high efficiency speakers I've lived with and has been highly satisfied.

1) Daedalus Ulysses: So musical. So rich and yet detailed. Very easy to make them sing. Good for every genre.

2) Daedalus Athena V.2: Same as Ulysses. But little bit more coherent but doesn't dig as deep as Ulysses. Extremely room friendly. The longest I've ever owned of any speaker.

3) Pure Audio Project Trio15 Voxativ: Highly customizable and tweakable. Bass is punchier and image is oh so bigger, more detailed than Daedalus. However, requires more careful placement and more effort to make it as musical as Daedalus but totally possible. Very high value. Good for all music.

4) Pure Audio Project Trio15 Horn1: Currently my reference speaker. Please check the review on Dagogo. Doug is spot on this speakers.

All of them are SET friendly and I play a lot of rock music using my First Watt J2 or Line Magnetic LM 508 SET amp.