Usability Issues with Tidal

I’ve been using Tidal since October. So far, I’ve been less than impressed by the user experience, especially the user interface. Tonight, I was in the process of setting up my new Bluesound Node 2 with Tidal. I forgot my password so I went online to request a reset link, which is what all websites require. I don’t get the link for over an hour. Then the link came during dinner, and the email said the link would expire in 10 minutes. I tried anyway and it didn’t work. I had to ask for another password reset. Another hour later, I received an email and then I immediately tried to set a new password. It would not work. To me, this is sub-standard, especially for a “premium” service. 
They don’t have any live tech support, no chat, nada. 
Wondering what you all think about your user experiences with Tidal so far. Do you think the better SQ makes it worth it?
 @hgeifman thanks for your reply. I’m using a high-end business grade Cisco router. I have plenty of bandwidth. I am using wi-if rather than Ethernet, and I wonder if that is affecting the sound quality. Running a hardwire to the Node 2 is not super practical due to location constraints. 

I chose the Bluesound box for its wireless capabilities, the price point, and good reviews. If I need to hardwire it I may choose a different solution, such as a music server and better DAC. 

The troubling thing is that I don’t have a great CD player, an old OPPO 83, and MQA should equal or best this quite easily if I’m to believe the marketing. 
I guess the pertinent question is what cd player do you have? And are you using the analog outputs of the Node2? To really get the best sound you should invest in a good DAC you will be stunned at the improvement you get.
@wakethetown, Based on my experience, steaming Tidal requires an Ethernet connection (hard wired) since Wi-Fi is not good enough.   If running an Ethernet cable is not possible, it is my understanding your signal will have problems meaning that Tidal may not sound the best.  

Are you sure you cannot run an Ethernet connection?    If not, you could try running Ethernet over power.   This means buying connections and running the Ethernet signal over your power lines.  This is not the best but is certainly better than Wi-Fi.   

@jond, I agree that a better DAC will improve his sound quality.   
@hgeifman @jond have either of you heard the Cambridge Audio CXN? Can you recommend a DAC at a decent price point?  
Im going to look into hard wiring, but it’s not my first choice.