Usability Issues with Tidal

I’ve been using Tidal since October. So far, I’ve been less than impressed by the user experience, especially the user interface. Tonight, I was in the process of setting up my new Bluesound Node 2 with Tidal. I forgot my password so I went online to request a reset link, which is what all websites require. I don’t get the link for over an hour. Then the link came during dinner, and the email said the link would expire in 10 minutes. I tried anyway and it didn’t work. I had to ask for another password reset. Another hour later, I received an email and then I immediately tried to set a new password. It would not work. To me, this is sub-standard, especially for a “premium” service. 
They don’t have any live tech support, no chat, nada. 
Wondering what you all think about your user experiences with Tidal so far. Do you think the better SQ makes it worth it?
Thanks for the great feedback. I jury-rigged an Ethernet connection between my router and Node 2 using an old Netgear switch as a link between two cables so I would have enough length (over 25 feet). I immediately noticed a difference.

To confirm what I was hearing I invited my wife and daughter to conduct an A/B/C test to see which one they preferred. I played an MQA track from Tidal. A was wireless streaming, B was CD, and C was Ethernet wired Tidal. They preferred C, the hard wired connection to the Node 2. I was still leaning toward the CD (option B), but my wife, a trained musician, and my daughter also a musician with very keen hearing, pointed out that there was more detail and resonance with the Node 2 compared to the CD player. Their least favorite was the wireless connection, which confirms my initial reaction.

We ran the test two more times. For the second and third tests I eliminated the wireless option for convenience. I tested two tracks from Tidal that were non-master quality (e.g. CD quality). For the second test, an Adele song, both my wife and daughter preferred the CD player. Interestingly, for the third test, a Gregory Porter song, both my wife and daughter overall preferred the Node 2--although certain passages had more attack and decay with the CD player. There is no doubt, however, that they sound different.

My working hypothesis is that the MQA tracks really make a difference--and are better than CD quality as advertised--providing the Node 2 is hard wired.

Regarding my gear and my set-up. I’ve just purchased some new components after living with my current system for nearly 20 years. In my teens I was quite the audiophile: my first speakers were stand-mounted Spendors :) After finishing my education, broke as I was, I bought an affordable kit based on recommendations of a now defunct hi-fi magazine called $ensible $ound. I bought PSB Alphas, an NAD intergated amp, and a Marantz CD changer.

My current set-up is PS Audio BHK 250 amp and Signature preamp, Focal Sopra 1s, and an aging Oppo 83, Canare balanced interconnects. They sound great and I’m really happy with this foundation for my system.

In terms of my goals for streaming digital music, I’m not really educated about what is possible. I was able to hear an A/B test between a Sonos and an Arcam rPlay and I could immediately hear a big difference. I decided to buy the Node 2 because I read it was a step up from these units without a major price jump. I was focused on wireless capabilities because I didn’t realize it would compromise the SQ so much. I am open to exploring what would happen at the $1000-1500 price point. I read rave reviews of the PS Audio DirectStream but I’m not ready for that level of investment after just purchasing new amps and speakers.
Well wakethetown, your system is definitely 21st century audiophile quality. I would say that your cd player and the Node 2 are the weak links in your system. They are good quality but not at the level of the rest of your system.

Digital playback, both cd and streaming, have been steadily improving. Since you are satisfied with the wired Node 2, I would enjoy what you have while you look for an upgrade to your digital components. You will eventually come across a great deal on a better cd player and/or streamer, or someone will come out with one that is a big improvement at a reasonable price.

There is a lot going on in the digital world so there is no harm in waiting.  Our options are getting better.  There are components that combine the cd player and streamer, so you will have the option to replace two components with one. I think the newer Oppo units do this but I have not heard them. That’s about all the advice that I can can provide. Enjoy what you've got while you look for an upgrade.
Browsing the DAC listing this looks like a very good deal for $1500 from a company on the cutting edge of digital Chord, no affiliation with the seller.

Tidal has been great! Have had a few technical issues with streaming but no more than with Spotify, hifi is for sure worth it and premium on Spotify is good too, I use both and have a / b the sound quality, on some stuff I can’t hear the difference but on others the difference is very apparent, I like the the info on tidal but I find the premade playlists better on Spotify 
As audiophiles we should demand better no service that requires a monthly fee without telephone support should be tolerated. We are confronted with the words high end yet tech support is low end. I called schitt to get some presale info on their dacs and they have not returned my call. It appears they only wish to communicate through emails yet they want to sell you a dac for $2300. Moving forward as for myself any company wishes sell goods and services with the slogan high end will have telephone contact or I will not spend my money with them. UNACCEPTABLE.