Article about us Audiophiles: 'Audiophilia Forever'

Nice article. Very grounded in reality and many will relate  especially the end where he proclaimed he could not afford it. :^)
I can't imagine many people taking the time to read through it.  Unless you're familiar with the gear, those names mean absolutely nothing. I'm somewhat surprised the New Yorker would publish it.  
chayro the article did a good job explaining why the gear was special, regardless of name. Plus New York has more folks than usual that might afford it problem being a lot of it is large and space usually at a premium there. Maybe those with homes out on Long Island or Jersey might care.

I was disappointed he was at the NY Audio show and did not mention Ohm Speakers in the article in that they are local in Brooklyn, reasonably affordable in comparison, and do not take up a lot of space. What a shame!

That’s often teh problem when people talk about audiophilia, they get too caught up with the stuff that nobody can afford or at least want enough to pay up. Nature of the beast I suppose.

I was in NY over the holidays and noticed the Devialet store in Grand central Station. Wanted to stop in but did not have time. Did make to the Harmon store which had JBL, Levinson and Revel gear set up for demo (and a very nice saleperson to talk about it) and Audio 46, a very well stocked headphone shop in midtown.
@david_ten thank you for passing this along.

Good, well-written article for the rest of the world.  A lot of the same discussions we have, but distilled to present a view to the outsiders, free from some of the pettiness that makes us look like lunatics.  One could actually imagine someone feeling inspired enough to take a step or three toward bringing the beauty of music into their homes after reading it.

By the way, I didn't like the sound of the Luxman / Magellan room he mentioned when I attended Friday.  One needs to carefully construct a system around the Magellan speakers to avoid them coming across in a lightweight, unrefined, and overall, mid-fi manner.  That's exactly how I thought the room sounded.  It seems like Fremer's request to swap out the Nordost for Kimber loudspeaker cable, definitely helped.  I don't feel at all surprised, and would have liked to hear the result of that, along with the amplifier change
A well written column as I would expect from the New Yorker thank you @david_ten for sharing it. My only complaint is his total dismissal of Redbook CD which as most of us know has improved immeasurably. Outside the purview of the article so not a real complaint but it would have been nice to see.