Best monitor for bookcase ?

I want to put a nice wall bookcase unit where my floorstaders are without losing good sound . Please advise within $3,000 range.
ACI has custom versions of a number of their speaker where the crossover is tweaked to compensate for the baffle effect of being in a bookshelf.
I'm using a pair of Harbeth HL-P3ES-2 monitor speakers in a similar situation. Although they are not inside a bookcase, they are sitting on the top shelf of a bookcase against wall corners. They are a sealed design and, I believe, are even marketed to some degree as 'bookshelf' speakers. Great sounding little speakers with a devoted (and well justified IMHO) following.
I heard a pair of Induction Dynamics bookshelf speakers crammed right back against the wall, with books packed in all around them. And they still sounded incredible! For whatever reason, these speakers don't seem to mind having walls/books in close proximity.
Thanks to all of you for the comments . It just doesn't seem practical to have to have a dedicated sound room for thousands of us . I know not to choose a rear ported monitor .