Any of you experiment with optimal VTA for Benz Micro Cartridges

I've heard that some cartridges vary as to what VTA is actually optimal for them contrary to what the perfectly horizontal/vertical  positioning of the cartridge body might suggest.  I have my Benz Micro mounted such that the front plane of the wooden body is perfectly vertical as I assume that was the design intent for the correct VTA. Is that true?
I have always liked the sound of the benz cartridges with a little negative VTA
I have always liked the sound of the benz cartridges with a little negative VTA
There is no such thing as "negative VTA." VTA is typically in the range of 15 to 20 degrees. Please see this graphic for a clear depiction of VTA.

What I meant is the tonearm is not parallel but is lower towards the counterweight
You have a nice vinyl  playback system. I had the Ebony L for quite a few years and it is a fine performer. One thing I'd suggest is that you load the cartridge at 47k which is the default setting for moving magnet cartridges. I ran mine at 47k with much success. You will get a lot more air at 47k. Not sure how/if your  phono preamp will allow it  but it is worth a try. BTW this is not a novice idea but one suggested by the founder/designer of Benz, Mr Luschadek. 
Have fun

Terrific tip!  Thank you very much!

With all the cartridges out there it's been tough to find much on that particular Benz.  So your input is quite valuable.