Best Transport/Players at $2000.00 Used Market

Good morning all,

                      I am currently in the market for a transport/or cd player (to couple with my Simaudio Moon DAC 300D).I have about three so far that I have my eye on.So far,the only real physical test I've done is with a CEC TL51z.considering the fact that its not such a recent player,it was quite impressive.The major feature that I found very engaging was its analogue/organic like sound it conveyed!Yet,I believe that(for my tastes it lacked verve,and the ability to be resolving in the lower octaves.)
Yesterday,I was given a treat to my audiophile buddy to his new P.S audio Directstream Music Player.Wow..what a piece of machinery! It was open,airy,detailed,pin point accuracy in imagery,and a soundstage,that was astounding!What I was expecting to sound a bit clinical,and synthetic,did not exist! I have to other players I may vie for(but I will be going blindfold,without having to test it on my gear).One is the Flatfish47,Two,Pathos acoustics Digit.Lastly,Acoustic art cd 1. 
If there is anyone out there that has encountered this dilemma,or has even had experience with any one of these players,and has even had the opportunity to make some back to back comparisons,I would most highly welcome any input regarding my present situation...

Thanks for looking.
I have the Perfectwave Transport...
In an unopened box that is.After my buddy upgraded to the Directstream Music Player/Transport he lent me this one!
Having tried it yet though.