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Looking for recommendations for speakers to listen to as possible replacements for my Monitor Audio PL 500's? My room is 20' X 26'.
Here is the problem the AQ Fires we did a direct test vs the Wireworld and the Wireworlds Platinums were way better. Also the Wireworld Silver Eclipse power cords are okay at best good for the money but a reference grade system such as yours needs better cables.
Again, everything is system dependent... Surprise...I had Wireworld Platinum in my system and compared them directly to AQ Niagara and preferred Niagara. Since the Niagara isn't current, I decided to get a home audition of the Fire. In my system the Fire had more detail without being bright. I submit my system is neutral to the dark side of neutral and the Wireworld made my system sound too dark, consequently I lost details further in the soundstage. 
Honestly, after hearing the Shunyata power cords(that are supposed to be significantly better than Wireworld) I'm content with my power cords.
I did compare the Audioquest Diamond USB cable to the Wireworld Platinum USB cable. I preferred the WW, because the bass was more articulate, soundstage was bigger, and just a more natural and detailed USB cable.

I’d suggest a lengthy listen to some Focal Utopias - now the Evo range is out there will be some great buys on Scala V2 and Maestro.
Magico Q3 if you like resolution, S3/5 is you want more full.
KEF Reference are a little rolled off, Blades marginally better.
Tidal, Lumen White, Kharma and others with the Accuton ceramic drivers might appeal?
You might find Raidho the sweet spot...