McIntosh ma6900 a proper preamp to a Decware zen triode single endled tube amplifier?

McIntosh ma6900 amplifier, 1982 khorns updated with volti audio gear. Am thinking of acquiring a Decware triode single ended tube amp to get the tube sound with the khorns which are now sensitivity of 104db. Would the McIntosh amplifier be a proper preamp? Everything I have read does not make this sound like a good pairing. I am not a techo-geek with any special knowledge.. I just buy what sounds good to me. Any thoughts or references which might provide more information than I have would be greatly appreciated.
Can't address your main issue. I will, however, advise you to try any new amp IN YOUR SYETEM before purchase. I recently lost substantial money buying a PrimaLuna Prologue integrated which I could hear humming (thru my La Scalla IIs) 12 feet away. The Klipsch worked fine with my BAT VK-300SE integrated. Live and learn.
I am also interested in the Decware Zen to use with my Heresy III....  I think Decware offers a trial.... 

Would love to hear users feedback on this amp also.  

The 6900 is an integrated , but I would expect it to sound good through it's preouts.   Your room size plays into it also,  not an issue with more powerful amps quite as much, but 2.3 watts is not a lot of power, so that must be taken into consideration.     I think in my room , 17 x 15 I could get by , but that might be stretching it with larger rooms.