Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!

Here is a new product from KLE Innovations...

I have not tried them, but I have tried many of their other speaker cables and I have tried the Banana plugs used on them.

The Banana plugs allow you to plug the speaker cables directly into the back of them

All of their products are outstanding and work extremely well - I have no reason to believe these will not live up to their stellar reputation

Enjoy - Steve
I never understood why people pay a bunch of money for jumpers.  There are so many types of high quality wire available in bulk, why not simply attach high quality connectors to 6 to 10-inch pieces of wire and there you go.  Personally, I use a spade on one end of the jumper and a banana on the other.  The banana can be stacked on the binding post used to connect the main speaker wire (assuming by a spade) while the spade is connected directly to the jumped binding post.  This is a better approach than two bananas IMO.  However, if the main speaker cables use bananas, then use two spades on the jumpers.  
Milpai I prefer clear day jumpers than my Nordost jumper the $150 I think? Clear day. are more  musical n fast
@whitestix - I would have to agree with @yping - I have auditioned - reviewed - and purchased many products from KLE Innovations and have yet to receive a product that does not excel.

Granted - the look of the plastic housing may not be as "pretty" as some audiophiles might like, but the metal part of the banana is very well engineered AND a top performer from a sound quality perspective.

So I have to ask....
- did you actually attach them to some cables and allow them to burn in for 120 hours?
- if so - what did you find were their shortcomings?
- did you return them for a full refund?
- and - did you receive a refund?

I am puzzled by your posting - mainly because assessing something as "Pure Cr**? is not very enlightening to other readers

I have read some of your other posts and it would seem you normally provide useful comments - which makes me wonder why are you so upset with these plugs?

FYI - and for the benefit of other readers...
- YES - you will see I have mentioned KLEI products in numerous forum threads in the past, simply because I found them to be the best products I have tried
- YES - I do contact KLE Innovations from time to time - if only to pass on a review (at no charge) or provide product feedback - that is the extent of my relationship with KLEI

Did KLEI ask me to respond to this rather disparaging comment? - NO!

I think comments such as "pure Cr**" serves no "useful purpose" except to allow a person to vent - i.e. without explanation.

Regards - Steve Reeve

Sorta related to some of the discussion about jumpers (sort of)...

Has anyone come across a dual female to single male banana "splitter"?

This might work though I was hoping for something more compact and without wire.
Sorry to speak ill of connectors you fancy.  I bought these connectors to pig back the wires from my sub to my 2-channel amp:   They cost $135 and were shipped from AUS.  

After receiving them and inspecting them, I sent the following message to KLE:

"I received your Classic Harmony BFA connectors today and I am thoroughly unhappy with them. They are as cheap in construction as the worst of the chinese connectors I have been foolish enough to buy. I find no way to re-open the hinged plastic flap after it has been closed. It is an interesting design, but for the price of $135, the construction is decidedly third-rate. Please send me an RMA for a return of the connectors to a US location (a US dealer) because I am not keen to spend $30 on return shipping costs to AUS."  

The plastic housing was thin and poorly manufactured.  I never connected them the quality of their construction.  I can't see that there was more than a couple of bucks involved in constructing them, but they cost $135.  I had to send them all the way back to AUS on my dime and I can acknowledge that I did get a refund.  Calling them cr*p was a pejorative term that I should not have used, but frankly it is a perfect descriptor of their quality of construction, and I stand by it.  Others like there connectors, including you, so good for all of you.  

I did find these connectors from Radio Shack, which to my eye, seem to be virtually identical to those from KLE and sell for a modest $3.00:

I suspect the metal jacks in the KLE design are better, but the RS connectors were, and are, perfectly functional at a total cost of $3.00 vs. $135 for the KLE connectors.