MBL 111F or 101E ????

Hi experts :)

I am looking to get a new system and I want to hear your input.

I am currently have a Devialet Expert 1000 Pro, my room is 4 meters wide, 9 meters in length because joining with dinning area and an open kitchen next to the dinning area, so it’s like a L shape opened space. I haven’t done any acoustic treatment to it yet.

i have a long tv bench, so the speaker going be about less than half meter away from side walls and may be about half meter away from back walls, this is the limitation I can’t change and will never change unless I move house.

i wondering according to my room space and current equipment, should I get a MBL 111F or 101E???? If 101E will performs better, how much better? Distinctly??? The 101E is quite a bit more expensive than 111F.

I can change my current amp to the MBL N51 integrated amp but that’s it. I cannot afford their 9008 amps and pre-amp combinations, and probably not in any soon future. I am not sure if the single N51(350wpc) will perform better than the Devialet 1000 Pro(1000wpc).

Can any MBL Expert give me some input?

Thanks a lot!!!
I question whether you'll lose a lot of the omni magic that you get from mbl speakers if you're going to have them as close to the sidewalls.and rear wall as you indicte.  Whenever I have heard them, they have had a lot of space around them, and that's when they have had that amazing soundstage.  Maybe someone who owns them can comment, but you might be better off getting speakers that work better with your room placement constraints.
Thanks for your comments.

i only heard the 101E mk2, and really love the sound but it’s price tag is way too expensive! So I go one step down to the 111F, nearly half price, but I also worry I might get far less quality from the 101E....

Careful about putting too much stock into my comments.

I've heard several people who own various MBLs mention, including reviewers, that the stand mounted 121s and 120 MBLs, despite only having the mid/tweeter of the 101s, nonetheless have essentially the same characteristic in the mids upward.

And I can say my 121s do indeed have that magic sound I heard from the 101s. (101E being the last version I heard).

It stands to reason that the 111 SHOULD produce the same mid/high voice.  Which is why it confused me when I didn't hear it on the 111s.

I've heard the 111s probably 2 or three times, but never at my place and not for a number of years.  So as I say, take what I report with a grain of salt.

This is the load v -phase graph of the 101E

This is the load v -phase graph of the 111F even though it says 101 on the graph which is a typo.

Both are very very hard to drive in the low bass, with the impedance and -phase angle, the 101E again at 200hz to 500hz and again at 10khz.
The 111F is also hard at 1khz and again at 10khz.
You should take the Devialet to the shop to put it on both speakers. and listen compared to the big MBL amp I'm sure they have on hand.
Myself I would look at amps such as MBL own big ones, and also the bigger Gryphon's, big Krells and Agostino's big amp..

Cheers George
Hi Prof, the big melon in 101 also does low-mid range, so the mid is not the same between the two in my opinion.

George, I can’t take the amp to the dealer as there is no dealer in my city. And I can’t find any resource about Devialet and MBL on internet. When you said both are very hard to drive, in relative 111F should be slightly easier??? Because it doesn’t has the biggest melon to drive, the bass are handled by traditional drivers. Right?