Looking for speaker recommendations that I can purchase on Amazon.com

Budget: under US$5000 and would prefer a price point of less than $3000/pair. The most expensive speakers I have owned so far are Polk RTi A7's, so this will be a big jump for me.

Purpose: music

Room: I tend to move every few years, so I don't want speakers that will work best only with very specific room conditions. Currently, I will be using these in a medium size room of about 22 feet x 18 feet. The room has carpet and window treatments.

Music sources: CD's, lossless music files stored on computer and MP3's when that's all I have available. I don't ahve any SACD's yet, but I plan on purchasing more high quality music once I have this system set up.

Music styles: acoustic, Indian classical (sitar, srangi, flute), alternative rock (Portugal. The Man, Sleeping with Sirens, etc.), older rock (e.g., Rush).

The speakers should sound good playing the Tanpura (aka Tambura). It is a classical Indian accompaniment instrument in the "drone" category. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanpura) Example of sound here:
With bad equipment that sound is fatiguing to me. Live it is beautiful and relaxing. Hopefully I can find speakers that will do it justice.

Personal Preferences: I am looking for non-fatiguing, warm, musical qualities. In another discussion topic here on this forum, @mtrot and I agreed about "smooth, sweet, soft, silky treble" and "shimmery, airy cymbals" as goals.

Amplifier: Yamaha P5000S

DAC: to be determined, but probably something like the Teac NT-503

Finally, the speakers of choice must be sold on Amazon.com, Bestbuy.com (or possibly some other similar retail website). I have personal reasons for this limitation. It isn't always true that I will need to buy all my speakers or audio gear from one of these sites, but for the moment, it is a requirement. Please don't recommend anything that isn't available on one of these sites. Thanks.

I would think Amazon would cut you off after too many free returns of large, heavy items...

I would think Amazon would cut you off after too many free returns of large, heavy items...

Don't confuse Amazon as a platform (or a corporate entity) with the independent 3rd party sellers on the Amazon marketplace. I'm coming to realize that the Amazon marketplace is probably a lot like the marketplace on Audiogon. Since I started this thread, I have struck up email conversations with two independent Amazon sellers who have been very helpful. I have not shopped on the Audiogon marketplace yet, but I'm sure I will in the future.

One Amazon seller told me I could take more than 30 days to evaluate the speakers and they would still allow me to return them. He simply asked, "How long do you need?" This seller's return policy goes far beyond Amazon's default policy. I found that out by asking.

If I buy speakers from this seller, I will be dealing with him person-to-person, probably in the same way I would deal with a seller here on Audiogon's marketplace.

This might be the kind of seller I could establish a long-term relationship with. He seems knowledgeable and very experienced. He seems very fair and upstanding.

Certainly returning large heavy items is a hassle, regardless of the return shipping costs. I would not want to burden any independent seller on the marketplace with an unfair number of returns. And I'm sure they would stop selling to me if I abused the return process. That's why I am asking questions here, reading reviews and giving this very careful consideration. I would prefer not to have to return them.

However, I did return my Polk RTi A5's. I also returned my Yamaha integrated amp and a few other things.

I also have a feeling I may have to return the LS50's I ordered. They will be here next week. But after reading more comments here, I'm thinking I should have ordered B&W 705's for the monitor-size speakers. Anyway, I'll try the LS50's and find out how they sound. Might keep them, might not.

Of course, I have purchased a lot of stuff from Amazon I have kept. The percentage of stuff I return is very small.

It seems most people here would agree that we always have to deal honestly and never take advantage of a seller. This site is full of upstanding people, which is why I have continued to participate. This is a nice community. I assume most of us recognize that selling audio gear (or anything else really) is a hard game and that customer support is hard. Personally, I never want to be the abusive customer who takes advantage of a seller's good will. If you have ever been in retail or customer support, you know that there are customers out there who will seriously abuse a seller without a second thought.

I can understand the frustration that many people are facing in this thread. The OPs request to only and only limit suggestions to Amazon and Best Buy is very highly unusual, to say the least. So naturally, folks want to know why it is so. Some have asked politely and some directly, but the OPs behavior is quite elusive in this regard. I mean you are asking people to provide honest opinions but you won't answer a simple question. Come on, it's not as if Mueller is investigating you that you cannot share why you're limiting your choices. Whatever!
@arafiq  "...the OPs behavior is quite elusive in this regard..."

I have been both polite and direct in saying that I'm not here to discuss my personal reasons for shopping where I shop. Geez.

If some of you wish to continue to indulge your preoccupation with my personal reasons for shopping on Amazon I'm sure it won't be hard to turn this thread into a completely useless and time-wasting discussion for everyone involved.

I'm either going to stick to the topic or I can abandon this thread and let the conspiracy theorists turn it into a wasteland.

I'm new here. It's your community. Do as you wish.