Best used or new DAC under $3500

What would be the best DAC for under $3500, new or used? I currently use the Chord Dave and I LOVE it. However, I'm looking to downgrade to save some dough. Some reference points:

1) Yggdrasil:  Sold it as the staging was too narrow/flat and it seemed a little lifeless
2) Ayre QB-9 DSD: Feel its a bit too bright/tizzy - at this point I'm done trying Sabre DACs.

Can anyone recommend a DAC that is not a mainstream sabre chip based DAC? I dont mind it if its an older generation or vintage DAC either - Just something I can get for under $3500. I don't want a discussion to defend Sabre DACs please.


Look into the Border Patrol DAC SE . I think its organic and open/transparent character would appeal to you based on past and current systems/components you’ve had. A used Audio Note DAC 3.1 or used Concert Fidelity DAC (may be more expensive than 3500.00).  I believe you would like these as well.
i think the original Mytek Manhattan is a spectacular dac competitive with dacs up to 10k. Great build quality and excellent feature set. It was at least as musical in a trial with a much more expensive dac that is very popular and well regarded. In addition it can be updated if one feels the need to attain MkII status. FWIW
If you want just a dac and not willing to do any mod, the current best value/quality you like (dynamic w/ wide sound stage) below $3500  is gustard  x22.

However, i found the best purchase i made in past a few years is oppo 205. It is perfect as a network player, disk player, cd/Dvd player and best  dac under $$4000(after simple power supply mod) using balanced output. Every time i listning
 Four seasons in dsd128, i can not help waving with the rythem.  

This oppo 205 designe is what a highend digital frontend  suppose to be done, it makes use of lm Ic in i/van and buffer stage,which is better than those discret solid state design.

I can advise you how to mod 205 with minimum effort.


Thanks for all of your suggestions! I'm first going to try the Synchro-Mesh Reclocker on my modified Modwright Marantz SA 8005 Tube CD Player and from users responses I have read, this device could quash any desires for a Dac at the moment but we will see...
