Anyone hear the Caravelle speaker and not like it?

I am very close to ordering a pair of the Harmonic Precision Carravelle speakers. I am looking in the below $5,000 range and these look interesting. There are only a couple of reveiws so I was wondering if anyone has heard them and been unimpressed? It is a lot of money but I may take a chance on it. Anyone think I can do better at my price point. I will be buying a new amp after I choose a speaker.
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Touche' Speakerdude! I have a pet peeve about these things too. Another favorite (not) of mine.

"These speakers have great base respones"....

Don't you HATE that one?

"natural..carded wool" is certainly a plus. But, are the sheep organically raised, and bred by natural insemination?
Gendut, here's how I see it. 10% of the time audiophools deal with you they are VERY unhappy. Would you jump out of an airplane knowing that your parachute will work only 10% of the time? your resume says it all....most negatives (plus a neutral) I've ever're a real power...

No wonder....