Kiseki, Supex on a present day tone arm?

I am looking to move into MC territories, but given the stanbard MM phono stage I'm looking for a good affordable high output MC element.

A few cartridges have caught my attention, first off all the Goldring Eroica H; but also a bit more exotic elements like the Supex SD-901 & the Kiseki Mission 773.

Does anybody know if the Kiseki and Supex elements can be mounted on any current tone arm like Rega, SME and Clearaudio?
Hi Absynth, The Kiseki Milltek (green) got very good reviews in the 80is. If with the original boron cantilver and line contact stylus in good condition they can be get for about $600. I own two of those + the Blue Goldspot+ the Purple Heart boron.
@nandric I recently obtained a Kiseki Gold tonearm. Was wondering if you happen to know the specs of the Kiseki tonearm? Greatly appreciate if you could help with this info. 

@genghis6400  I can help with Kiseki Gold Spot but, alas, not

with Kiseki tonearm. What I know is that the arm is made in

Japan and, if Van den Dungen deed not invent this story, the

(silver) wiring is from Kondo san. Kondo also made an SUT for

 Kiseki also with silver wire.

I found the Kiseki Milltek (Aurora, green) pretty dark and dreary. Avoid. If you like a touch of musical warmth, the Nagaoka MP500 in a Jelco 750 (or their new ones) will see you good.

I have tried one Supex cartridge SD-909 mkII on my Reed 3p "12
It was in exellent condition, but it was also dark sounding cartridge, i tried a few MC phono stages, headamp etc (but no sut). I love Reed tonearm and highly recommend it, but Supex was definitely not my cup of tea.

I have a few High Output MC cartridges that i like: Argent MC500HS (Sapphire cantilever) and Argent MC500. Both made in the 80s (OEM) by the same company who introduced recently $8000 Etsuru Urushi LOMC

Look at the compliace of the Supex, if that's 8cu then it must be paired with high mass tonearm.
Kiseki is probably mid compliance, so no problem with modern arms, but it depends on which one. 

Why do you need HOMC cartridge if you can find much better MM/MI or LOMC as an alternative?