Tom Petty: It was an "accidental" OD

It was just reported on my local news that Tom Petty's autopsy revealed the cause of his death was an "accidental" overdose. When is an overdose not accidental? The report said multiple drugs were found in his system, as is often the case with OD's.
Stick to cannabis and stay away from pills and white powder!
I am all for it, but I am not sure that cannabis is effective in the case of Tom Petty or Prince.  The reason why I doubt is that these guys can have the very best pot whenever they want but they turn to opiods instead.
Tom Petty had access to the best medical care available unlike many people who do hard physical labor 5 or 6 days a week, every week, year after year.  So he's not a victim of anything.  We've all got to die and I'd rather die of an accidental overdose than something like cancer.  

Last year 63,000 people died of drug overdoses. And that's with Narcan being available.  The number would be in the hundreds of thousands if it wasn't available.  The only way to stop this is to stop the easy availability of legal and illegal narcotics.
It’s tough to beat opioids for severe pain.
I don’t know Tom Petty’s particular situation. Sounds like he suffered from emphysema- may mean that he’s been on high dose steroids, (prednisone?), long term, to aid his breathing-which in turn can induce osteoporosis. He always looked pretty slight of build and may not have started with a robust baseline bone density. I’ve heard that he was trying to soldier on and complete his tour with a cracked tibia that progressed to a full fracture. That would be damned painful. Also seems a little “out there” to continue, while I’m wildly speculating, maybe his judgement was impaired by the very meds he was using for pain.
So many deaths of singers, songwriters, musicians of my generation (b. 1957). I miss them all BUT I am so very thankful and grateful I got to live in, and listen to, and sometimes see them in their time. All have passed for a wide variety of reasons, some we may never fully understand, which is why having their music persist in recorded format keeps their energy and spirit alive. I didn’t know Tom personally, but in a way I did, albeit in a one way relationship.

We, who still listen, are lucky, so very lucky.