The longest you have owned any gear?

Not counting accessories such as a Zerostat which I bought eons ago, the one piece of equipment I own which I've had the longest is my turntable- 19 years now. 

What's been your experience? 
My first high end speaker was the Paradigm studio 20v1 monitor, I owned that speaker for 12 years it followed me around from city to city and always played faithfully. 
the longest equipment i've had is my 4 bose 901 series 2 speakers which i bought back in 1971. i'm not reaaly an audiofile. i bought my 4 chanell system back in those days when i was like 18 years old.
g_nakamoto: I could not afford the Bose 901's (as I recall) but in 1973 I did buy a Sansui QRX-6500 4-Channel receiver.  I remember that I bought it in the Navy Exchange overseas (at a nice discount) for exactly $512.00.  In 2018 dollars that is right around $3000.00.  My young wife was stunned!  To go with it, I bought four huge Sansui SP-3500 speakers.  Kept them for about 20 years and then sold them to my brother in law.
Phillips CD-80. Bought it from a local 20 years ago, sold it once and then bought it back from a local audiophile. Original box, papers ,transport screws,etc. May use it as a transport when I get more room.
1984/1985 I purchased my first hi-end system:
Threshold SA-2s, Fet Ten line and phono stages, Sota Star Sapphire with an SME V, Cambridge CD player, McIntosh MR80, and Snell A III speakers. The CD was replaced some ten years ago with an Ayre which I still have in my current system.
The system sounded great up until October 2015 when I decided I wanted a change and went to tubes. My old gear is stored in the basement for my son who doesn't have the room at his current location.