Trying vinyl, need some help!

For the last month, I have been searching for a good cd player or transport and thought I had settled on a Mcintosh unit when I started looking and turntables. I found a Roksan Radius 5 with a Nima tonearm that was in my budget so I bought it.
Now comes the problem, the cartridge. There are so many to choose from and they are not cheap so finding one that would compliment the table/arm is a bit intimidating.
My Audio Research preamp has 2 inputs for MM, or I can purchase a dedicated MC preamp.
If anyone has any experience with the Radius 5 please let me know what you have tried.
Why not do what I did, I bought a used MC cart (Lyra Delos) for a be price of a new MM cart and I have been very happy with it.
donvito1You said your budget was under $600. The last time I looked the Grado Master was $1000!

The Grado masters is a grand however the sonata is $600ish.
For the time being, I ordered a Sumiko Pearl until I make my mind up. I am hoping to be able to find a place near by to take some time to listen.
Thanks for all the input! It gets confusing but I am sure it will begin to make sense as time goes.